Certified Public Accountants, Business & Tax Consultants
We are a technology-driven, one-stop shop for small businesses. Our firm provides and has been providing accounting, tax, and business advisory services for small businesses since 1981.
Our professional staff are all USA-based. We do not outsource our work to overseas companies.
Member: National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) and National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), QuickBooks Certified Professional Advisors, Sage 50 Peachtree Diamond Level Certified Consultants
Tax Planning & Preparation
Today, more than ever, providing the highest quality tax services requires a comprehensive working knowledge of current tax law as well as the practical application of such laws.
Accounting Services
Having a good accounting system is absolutely necessary for a business to become successful. The accounting system provides crucial financial reports about business operations and profitability. Without a good accounting system, a business is operating in the dark.
Services for New Business Startups
Do you need financial assistance and professional guidance, but your business does not have the funds to support it? Well, believe it or not, your business may qualify for FREE financial assistance and FREE professional guidance.
Fringe Benefits Consulting
At the Allday Consulting Group, our Financial Advisors can help reduce the burden of rising health insurance costs and the cost of day care, by having Uncle Sam pick up part of the cost. We can help your employees reduce the cost of daycare by having Uncle Sam pick up part of the cost.
Payroll Services
Payroll preparation and the related reporting process are among the most difficult administrative duties facing small businesses. Federal and state income tax withholding rates constantly change.
Accounting Software
We are a Certified Public Accounting firm, specializing in Sage 50 Peachtree Accounting online and telephone support and training for Sage 50 Peachtree users. Our support specialists are “Sage 50 Peachtree Certified” technicians.
Thinking of owning your own business?
Opening your own business is exciting and thrilling. It's everything that comes after that dictates whether a small business will make it or not.